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I am a YouTuber. I have made over 500 YouTube videos. These YouTube videos show my journey as I work hard to accomplish my goals. My goals include making enough passive income to pay all my bills, getting out of my current job, helping other entrepreneurs through my goal coaching and programs. I also plan on getting married and having children. I will work hard to be in shape and eat healthy food. I have goals that are due every two years. If I do not accomplish these goals I will pay fines.


I started my journey in 2013 while I was walking my dog at the dog beach. I was living an unfulfilling life and had no direction. The years were passing me by and I was not getting anywhere.  I was in a dead end job with no possibility of a better tomorrow. While I was walking my dog at the dog beach I thought about a question everyone asks themselves. Why does time seem to go by slower when we are younger? I now realize that this seems to happen because when we are growing up every year has a great deal of meaning attached to it. When we are growing up we go from elementary school, middle school, college, our first job, getting promoted, getting married, buying a house, and then…….and then. Then at some point, we stop growing, dreaming, and fighting to reach a better life. Then the years go by fast because our story and drive start to wind down.

     I believe to truly be happy we must never stop growing and pushing ourselves to become more through challenging and rewarding goals. Reach your dreams. Reach for more. Reaching dream fulfillment.


    I started my YouTube channel to share my journey as I push myself to become a successful entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs who have YouTube channels do not share how truly challenging entrepreneurship really is. They only show their successes and talk about their secrets. They do not share their failures too. We can learn beneficial knowledge from failure. Don’t be afraid of failure. The bigger your goals are the more you will fail. I also started Reaching Dream Fulfillment because I want to help other entrepreneurs through my video coaching series which covers topics ranging from career advice, action steps to success, goal setting, life lessons, mindset, and what to do when you are stuck in life? I also have a zoom goal coaching program that teaches entrepreneurs goal setting techniques and helps them stay focused and accountable.

About Me: About
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